our fleet

Lightning Aviation offers a variety of aircraft available for personal rent and flight training. Whether you're new or experienced, our fleet has the right aircraft for you.

Cessna 172

The Cessna 172 is renowned for its performance and stability, making it an ideal choice for both new pilots and seasoned aviators looking to refine their skills. We offer seven aircraft, with Dynon and Garmin equipped IFR capable avionics.


The Aeronca Champ offers a unique platform for learning the nuances of tailwheel flying. Unlike tricycle gear aircraft, taildraggers require a different level of finesse. Whether you’re looking to reinstate your currency or train for a tailwheel endorsement, the Champ offers great handling and a solid foundation for any pilot.


Gyroplanes offer an unparalleled experience. Whether you're pursuing a gyroplane rating, seeking training, or simply want to fly for fun, our dedicated team will ensure you're fully prepared to meet the requirements and enjoy these versatile aircraft with confidence.

Twin Comanche

Our Twin Comanche serves as our primary multi-engine trainer.